Sunday, June 30, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo April Recap

Hey guys, so I know this is really late, but better late than never right? So here is my recap of my first Camp NaNoWriMo experience, just in time for the July session!

Firstly, I really like Camp NaNoWriMo. Not only does it happen during various months instead of just in November, but it also has flexible word goals. I picked the lowest word count since this was my first experience with anything NaNoWriMo. It was very exciting to reach my goal and be declared a winner. It got me back into writing and writing somewhat consistently. In hindsight, though, I wish I had pushed myself and picked a higher goal.

Being my first Camp event, I didn’t completely understand the cabin concept. So I opted for a semi-active cabin. The first few cabins, no one chatted. And I mean no one. After bouncing around for a while, I just gave up and stayed where I was put. I made the best of it and chatted a bit. Some of the cabin mates didn’t even show up for the event, though, making it extremely hard to reach the cabin word goal.

Unfortunately for me, I decided to do Camp and then just kinda…procrastinated on actually picking a concept to work with. I finally chose and idea the morning before the event started. That concept was sci-fi, which I have very little experience with. So not only did I struggle with the lack of planning beforehand, but with the actual subject matter as well.

Going into July I know that I am going to work on a story that I have been working on for some time, so I know that the subject matter is not going to hold me back. I am aiming for a higher word count. I did some planning so I know where I am heading going in and I found a great group of people to join in a cabin. If things go as planned I can bang out the 1st draft of the novel. Follow my progress here and join me on twitter. I may need some motivation!

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